Reimagine art education to foster creativity and critical thinking Reimagine art education to foster creativity and critical thinking Education
Inspire empathy and a better life by teaching another language Inspire empathy and a better life by teaching another language Education
Acknowledge our imperfect past to form a more perfect union Acknowledge our imperfect past to form a more perfect union Education
Champion recess, playgrounds, and physical education over homework Champion recess, playgrounds, and physical education over homework Education
Combat disinformation with media literacy and non-profit news Combat disinformation with media literacy and non-profit news Education
Invest in preschool and child care to benefit families and the economy Invest in preschool and child care to benefit families and the economy Education
Calculate the cost of university to grasp the gravity of student debt Calculate the cost of university to grasp the gravity of student debt Education
Encourage financial literacy to prepare the next generation Encourage financial literacy to prepare the next generation Education
Empower women through representation in STEM education Empower women through representation in STEM education Education
Deliver a quality education through K-12 school performance Deliver a quality education through K-12 school performance Education